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If you are not sure or are not ready to register. You can request an online demo with the creator of SwingOffice and find out in realtime what can do SwingOffice for you.
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If you have doubts or more questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
From SwingOffice you can manage everything important in your school: courses, contacts, attendance, collections, billing, etc. and have it all in one place
Students can register and pay directly from YOUR OWN WEBSITE and have everything centralized in SwingOffice: registrations, payments, courses, partners, ...
All payments and collections, both automated and those you make manually, will be reflected in one place and you will have all the information centralized.
Each student and teacher will be able to have an app from which to see their payments and collections, courses, class videos, assistance, even personalize their profile and place ads.
SwingOffice is installed in a reliable and secure environment in the cloud. We make daily backup copies of your data and the operation is really fast.
At any time, you can contact us to answer your questions, ask about functionalities, propose your own needs. We will always be close to help you.
Still not sure how much SwingOffice will cost you or what includes?
Here are answers to some of the most common pricing questions we’ve been asked by other schools
Monthly and Yearly plans include all the features of SwingOffice, with the limitation of the school trademark for the app. But you will have the SwingOffice generic App with all the same functionality.
Another limitation is the number of emails that you can send to your students each day.
Monthly plan is also limited int he monthly number of automated imports of invoices and tickets.
Of course! But you can only send 500 free emails every day in Monthly Plan, and Unlimited emails a day in Yearly Plan.
You are not clear?
Book a Private Demo with the creator of SwingOffice and he will show you everything that SwingOffice can do for you.